Honey Benefits Side effects and How to use it

Uses of honey have been in use since ancient times, and the benefits of honey are also mentioned prominently in Ayurveda. Honey is a liquid made by bees from the juice of flowers. It is prepared by bees after a fairly lengthy process in several stages. Honey in Ayurveda enjoys the status of a medicine and now people all over the world have started using honey for sweetness too. Many scientific researches on honey in the last few decades confirm its benefits mentioned in Ayurveda.
Use honey in any form, it is equally beneficial for your health. Just before using it, make sure to check whether the honey being used is real or adulterated, because eating adulterated honey can cause many health problems. People are always confused about the quality of honey. For your information, let us know that real honey is very thick and when added to water, it does not dissolve easily, but gets frozen in the bottom while fake honey dissolves quickly in water. However, this is not a definite measure to check the purity of honey.

Nutrients found in honey:

Honey is a storehouse of essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins. Fructose is found mainly in honey. Apart from this, carbohydrates, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin C and amino acids are also found in it. One teaspoon (21 grams) of honey contains about 64 calories and 17 grams of sugar (fructose, glucose, sucrose and maltose). Honey does not contain fat, fiber and protein at all.

How do bees make honey?

Staff bees (which form 98% of the number of bees on the entire hive) produce honey under a complex process. Many bees are necessary; Because no one bee can produce honey without the other members of the team. In short, "transmission bees" suck the flower's juice and place it in their second special stomach (which is specially made to contain honey) and fly back to the hive. After coming to the hive, she gives this juice to the "chewing bees". Chewing bees collect the juice and chew it for about 30 minutes. During chewing, their enzymes turn the juice into a substance that contains honey along with water. After chewing, the worker bees put that substance into the honeycomb so that the water evaporates, making the honey less diluted. Honey bees speed up the process of evaporation of water by air with their wings. After the honey production ceases, the other bees close the honeycomb shells with wax, so that the product remains safe.

Bees manufacture and store their products (honey, royal jelly, propolis, etc.) for their use. During the winter and other periods when pollen is not available, they can live by eating honey. Beekeepers actually "steal" a portion of their emergency reserves while taking honey. But by collecting a fair amount of honey, bees will replenish it by reproducing the amount of honey taken by humans, and thus they can continue their life-cycle without any problems.

Benefits of honey:

1.   Iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc are found in honey. Honey boosts memory, cures weak nervous system.

2.    Regular intake of honey returns lost power. Honey makes the body beautiful, energetic, strong, long lasting and shapely.

Honey is considered to be a work force enhancer. Its intake accelerates the process of making testosterone in men and estrogen in women. Honey is a good anti-oxidant, so honey is beneficial in reducing the signs of aging. Honey increases the body's immunity and prevents recurrence of infection.

How to reduce weight with honey:–

1.1 glass of warm lukewarm water mixed with honey and lemon juice, drinking in the morning reduces weight. Its constipation is also eliminated and toxic substances are released from the body.
Honey, lemon and lukewarm water should not be taken for more than 30 consecutive days at a time. You can start drinking again after stopping for 2-3 weeks.

How to use honey on face:-

1.   Honey is a good Sunscreen and Moisturizer. Honey removes dry skin, itching and various skin diseases. Honey is considered very useful in allergy, phlegm and skin burns.
2.    Applying honey on the lips makes the lips soft, soft.

Remove the dark spots of the face from honey: Make a paste by mixing 1 ripe banana, 1 teaspoon honey, 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Apply 10-15 minutes and wash it with lukewarm water. Use it 1 time a week, there will be benefit.
To make honey facial skin soft: Make a paste by mixing half a lemon juice in 1 teaspoon honey. Wash the face with clean water and then apply this paste on the face. After 20 minutes when dry, wash with lukewarm water. After this, wipe the face with a towel with light hands. Use it 1-2 times a week.

Honey for beautiful skin:

Mix 2 spoons gram flour, 1 teaspoon honey, a little water and make a paste. Apply it on the entire face away from the eyes and let it dry for 30 minutes.
After this, wash it gently with lukewarm water, then apply Misraiser. Apply it 2 days apart. This will remove the dead-skin and will brighten and brighten the face.


Dabur Honey

Zandu Pure Honey

Beez Honey

Patanjali Honey

Merion Naturals Multifora Organic Honey

Honey to bring glow on face:

Mix half tomato juice with half a teaspoon of honey. Wash with cold water after applying it on the face for 15 minutes. You can apply it by giving a difference of 4 days.

Ayurvedic properties of honey:-

According to Ayurveda, honey found on different trees has different characteristics.
Honey for neem tree honey
- Honey found from berries tree for diabetes
- Honey found from drumstick tree is beneficial in heart disease and blood pressure.
According to Ayurveda, drinking two teaspoons of honey in a glass of water before going to bed helps to sleep quickly and well.

Benefits of honey and garlic:

Peel garlic in a bottle of honey, grind it a little and keep it for 7 days. After this, eat one garlic every morning on an empty stomach. It removes cold, cold and reduces weight. It improves blood circulation and lowers cholesterol, which is good for the heart.
Apart from this, it strengthens teeth, increases immunity, detoxes the body free of toxic substances. Eating honey garlic increases the sexual stamina of men and women. It increases the work power of men and removes weakness.
Keep in mind that if you get a burning sensation in your chest, do not eat on an empty stomach. Take 1 hour after meals. According to your nature, increase the intake gradually.

Benefits of honey and Indian gooseberry:

Mix one spoon of honey, amla, ginger juice and take 2-3 times a day, it cures cold, cough and cold. To remove anemia, mix Amla juice and honey and take it twice a day.
To cure irregular menstruation of women, take 1 teaspoon Amla juice or powder, mixed with honey. This also removes the physical weakness of women.
Mixing honey, a pinch of celery in amla mixture and eating it relieves stomach diseases, digestive problems, constipation. Consumption of amla honey intensifies the eye-light.
To remove physical weakness of men, lick 1 teaspoon of amla powder or juice mixed with honey. Drink 1 glass of milk after half an hour of doing this in the morning and evening. This will remove all internal weakness in 3 months.

Benefits of honey and milk:

Drinking honey mixed with warm warm milk leads to good sleep. It relieves tension, relaxes the nervous system. Constipation is eliminated by drinking milk and honey, bone becomes strong and brain capacity is increased.

Benefits of honey and cinnamon:

Drinking honey and cinnamon tea reduces weight, increases immunity, reduces the risk of cancer, cures stomach ulcers.
Drinking honey and cinnamon mixed with warm water keeps the heart healthy and does not cause cholesterol in the arteries.
Apply cinnamon powder and honey at night to the acne and wash it in the morning. Acne will be fine and stains will not remain.
In the infection of urine, drinking honey and cinnamon powder mixed with lukewarm water, removes bacteria and provides relief. Joint pain and stiffness is removed by drinking honey and cinnamon powder.
In arthritis, massage cinnamon and honey on the joints and massage slowly. To get rid of bad breath, rinse with honey, lukewarm water, cinnamon powder.

Benefits of honey and walnuts:

Put walnuts in small pieces in a vial of honey and close the lid tight and keep it in a cool place for 10 days away from light.
Take 2 spoons of this mixture of walnuts and honey before breakfast. All diseases and symptoms of thyroid gland will be eliminated with its use.
Benefits of honey and turmeric: For respiratory problems, take half a teaspoon PC turmeric mixed with honey 3 times a week for a week, it will be relaxing. In the cold, lick honey-turmeric mixture and do not drink water for some time.
Apply turmeric, honey, rose water paste on the face to remove facial blemish, stains. After 20 minutes, wash off with lukewarm water.

How to identify real honey?

1.   The lesser the water content in a honey, the honey is considered as good. Pure honey is a food that does not deteriorate despite being kept for a long time.

2.   Place a drop of honey on the thumb. If it starts flowing or spreading, then it means honey is fake. The real honey drop is so thick that it does not spread.

3.   When a spoonful of real honey is put in water, it settles in the bottom, while the fake honey dissolves. Putting on white cloth or blotting paper does not absorb the real honey and does not leave any stains.

4.   Pure honey always freezes in winter. If you put honey in a cotton wool and start burning it, then it means honey is not real or water has been added to honey.

5.   One of the hallmarks of real and fake honey is that real honey does not stick in the wings of the butterfly whereas fake sticks.

  Treat with honey home remedies:–

1.   Mixing honey and ginger juice in cough and cold, taking it provides relief.

2.   In the toothache, applying honey in a cotton swab and applying it to the painful place provides relief.

3.   For the treatment of constipation, mix honey in tomato or orange juice and take it regularly.

4.   Drinking mixed with honey and milk is very effective in increasing weight.

5.   For good conditioning of hair, apply honey and olive oil in hair, then cover it with a towel. Shampoo after 20 minutes.

6.   By applying honey on the gums, the gums remain strong. In addition, by applying honey on the mouth ulcers, they heal quickly.

7.   Applying pure honey to the eyes causes irritation but does not cause stickiness. This remedy increases eye light.

8.   For blood pressure control, drink one spoon of garlic juice and honey and drink it twice a day in the morning and evening. This keeps blood pressure under control.

9.   In asthma, breathing is normal by smelling a vessel filled with honey under the nose. This effect is due to the alcohol and ether oil elements found in honey. Its effect lasts for one to two hours.

10.  In asthma, taking one year old honey with milk or water is also very beneficial.

11.  Honey relaxes the burning sensation of the chest, vomiting as it slows down the action of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

12.  Consumption of honey in typhoid, pneumonia increases liver and intestinal efficiency.

13.  Since honey is a hypersmotic agent, by applying it on the wound, it removes            the liquid of the wound, by destroying the bacteria from that place and quickly compensates.

14.  Instead of applying honey directly on the wound, apply it on bandage or cotton and then apply it on the wound.

15.  For fresh bath, add two spoons of honey in one cup of hot water, then add 2-3 drops of lavender oil and mix it in bath water and take a bath.