Corn flakes benefits side effect and tips

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, which helps to increase energy. This empowers people to walk throughout the day. A plate of healthy breakfast improves physical and mental health. It should ideally be low in fat, cholesterol and sodium content and high in minerals, protein and vitamin content. Being busy with various tasks, you are moving away from traditional and nutritious food in the morning. At such times cornflakes may be a better option.
        Corn flakes are a popular breakfast, which is prepared by toasting corn. Corn flakes with crunchy texture are rich in sugar, iron, vitamins (A, B, C, D, and E). Dietician explains that they contain thiamine, which is useful for the metabolic rate and energy of the body. Fiber is also rich in these. By adding fruits and dry fruits in them, you can increase the nutritional value of your breakfast even more.

    Benefits of Corn flakes

    Corn flakes benefits side effect and tips

    Reduce weight with corn flakes
    Using corn flakes to reduce weight is beneficial, if you use corn flakes for a whole meal, you may have to starve because it is a low protein food item. It also has a very low iron content, to reduce weight, you should use less corn flakes, for this you can use 30 grams of corn flakes with 125 grams of semi-skimmed milk for breakfast. Due to it having low protein protein, it does not allow body fat to be made which does not allow fat and weight to grow in the body.

    Corn flakes promote diabetes
    Foods that are high in sugar can increase diabetes, corn flakes are found in high amounts of sugar, with high glycemic index (GI). It contains carbohydrates with high glycemic index which increases the level of glucose leading to increased insulin in the blood. This can be harmful for type 2 diabetes patients. Therefore, the patient of diabetes and heart problem should use it less.

    Corn flake gives full of minerals
    Corn flakes are not only delicious, but are also a great source of vitamins, folate, fiber, protein and carbohydrates. Folate is important for the formation of new cells, thus it benefits greatly during pregnancy. They also reduce the risk of heart diseases and colon cancer.

    Corn flakes useful for eyes
    Eating these with fruits increases the amount of fiber in your diet, so that you do not have stomach problems. Corn flakes are rich in iron, due to which the blood levels in the body remain. Due to this, your brain remains active and the body works properly. It contains lutein, which is important for eye health.

    Corn flake makes heart healthy
    This low fat food item keeps your stomach full. In this way, eating them reduces the intake of unnecessary and unhealthy food and does not increase your weight. Cholesterol levels remain normal by eating them, so that you do not have heart problems.

    Rich in protein from corn flakes
    As soon as healthy corn flakes are mixed with milk, the amount of protein in it increases. Protein works to increase your immunity. It plays an important role in repairing tissue of the body and producing red blood cells. You can increase its benefits even further by including honey or almonds in it.

    How much is the daily micronutrients of cornflakes

    Iron: 45% thiamine (B 1): 25%
    riboflavin (B 2): 25%
    niacin (B 3): 25%
    vitamin B 6: 25%
    folate: 25%
    vitamin B 12: 25 %
    Vitamin A: 10%
    Vitamin C: 10%
    Vitamin D: 10% 

    How much vitamin in cornflake

    You will get 1786 IU vitamin A in 100 gm servings. If you want to start your day well then you can eat cornflakes. Vitamin A strengthens bones, enhances the light of the eyes and increases immunity.

    How much fat is it

    Fat is very less in cornflakes, if you eat 100 grams of cornflakes, then you get 0.4 grams of fat. Whereas oats contain 1.4 grams of fat in 100 grams.

    How to make corn flakes breakfast at home

    Corn flakes benefits side effect and tips

    One cup of milk,
    Corn flakes,
    1 cup seasonal fruits,
    ½ Honey,
    Some dry fruits… (Almonds, cashews, raisins)

    Method to make:-
    Firstly you one cup of milk you can either take hot or cold milk then add one cup corn flakes, 1 cup of seasonal fruits and ½ honey mix it well. Then add some chopped dry fruits include almonds, cashews, raisins… Ready to eat corn flakes. 

    Keep these things in mind 

    Corn flakes benefits side effect and tips

    - Always store them in a cool and dry place. Make sure that its packet is completely closed.

    - If there is any smell of corn flakes, changes in color or fungi, do not use them at all.

    - Whenever you buy them, be sure to check the packaging and expiry date. Do not throw away its compartment even during home use, because you will not be able to know its expiry date.

    - Eat corn flakes only once a day as the amount of sugar in it can work to increase your weight.


    Kellogg's Corn Flakes Original

    Kellogg's Corn Flakes Real Almond and Honey

    Bagrrys Corn Flakes

    Kellogg's Crunchy Granola Almonds and Cranberries

    Side effects of Cornflakes

    Corn flakes benefits side effect and tips

    For pregnant ladies:-
    Cornflakes may result in health issues like flatulence, intestinal gas, abdominal pain and bloating. The capability of your body to absorb zinc, iron and minerals decreases when you eat corn flakes in access.

    Increase calories:-
    About 357 calories are found in 100 grams of cornflakes. So if you want to keep your calories low, then do not eat cornflakes

    Increase the insulin in body:-
    Eating corn flakes also puts a person at risk of diabetes. Corn flakes are made from corn, fructose and corn syrup that contain a large amount of glycemic index content. These increase the amount of insulin in the body.

    Increase sugar level:-

    Even though sugar is already added to corn flakes, it seems to fade with milk, so people usually add honey or sugar to it. This increases the risk of diabetes as well as weight.