Aloevera benefit uses side effects home remedies and tips

Aloe vera is a popular medicinal plant that has been used for thousands of years. It is best known for treating skin injuries, but also has several other beneficial effects on health.
Aloe Vera is extensively used in beauty products and for good reason. It's got antiviral and antibacterial properties, and the ability to help treat everything from constipation to diabetes. The green-cactus looking plant that sits out in your garden isn't just a plant with its roots in folklore, it's the crux of a million dollar industry that extends from beauty creams to healthy juices and diet supplements. Over time, aloe vera has seamlessly integrated itself into everything we use.

    How many species of aleovera

    5000 years old panacea medicine. The botanical name about this plant - Dhritkumari Quarkandal, Kumari, Guarpatha, Chitrakumari, Kumar Pattu, Sanjeevani plant etc.
    Aloe vera Onion is a semi-tropical plant of the Lily caste and Asparagus species. It has about 300 subcastes. Of which only 4 species are full of medicinal properties. The most influential of all of these is Barbadensis Miller. This plant is fully ready in 3 to 5 years. In ancient times, it is mentioned in the Bible (John 19:39 Numbers 24: 6) in the Vedas, Ramayana, Mahabharata and also in the ancient history of Egypt and China. The Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, used it as her cosmetics. Alexander the Great even fought to conquer the island of Socotra, because the island grew aloe vera, which was used to treat Alexander's wounded army.

    Types of Aloe Vera in India

    Snake Aloe
    Snake Aloe

    Growing up to 4-5 feet tall, this short stem aloe has a thick rosette of green fleshy leaves. Its edges are covered with dark-red thrones. Also, its inflorescence is covered in the bracts giving this aloe a snake-like appearance.

    Sunset Aloe
    Sunset Aloe.
    Its rosette is pale green under the shade, but as you will keep them in the full sun, they will surprisingly turn into a red color! This aloe is scalloped with white flecks and thorns at the brim, giving it a stunning visual.

    Short Leaf Aloe
    Short Leaf Aloe

    This aloe is a low-growing variety with a serrated border. It can be a great addition to a garden while dwelling in pots and rockeries. Exhibiting a stunning array of colors, it maintains blue-green color in the shade and turns into a rosy brown color in full sun.

    Zebra Aloe/ Soap Aloe
    Zebra Aloe/ Soap Aloe

    The sap of its leaves has unharming brown teeth, which can be used as a substitute for soap. Furthermore, the main attraction of this aloe is not just its fleshy leaves, but tall stemmed red-yellow flowers, that emerge during summers.

    Tiger Aloe/ Aloe Variegata/ Aloe juvenna
    Tiger Aloe/ Aloe Variegata/ Aloe juvenna

    The waxy and fleshy leaves of the tiger aloe are covered with the white-green blotches that resemble the stripes of the tiger. Its charm increases even more during spring when pink, orange-hued flowers appear on its purple stems.

    Bitter/ Cape Aloe
    Bitter/ Cape Aloe

    The thick and triangular leaves of this aloe, arranged in a dense rosette, are marked with red-orange spines. Its beauty elevates further with the flowering of red-orange inflorescence that stands 2-4 feet above the leaves.

    Aloe Vera/ Ghritkumari
    Aloe Vera/ Ghritkumari

    Popular for its medicinal properties and easy maintenance nature, this aloe is the most common variety and can be seen in most houses, as an indoor potted plant. Its gray-green leaves have jagged margins, with white flecks at its lower and upper surface.

    Red Aloe
    Red Aloe

    As the name suggests, this aloe has apple-green leaves under filter sunlight that eventually turn into coppery-red during summer.  Its flower in orange-red shade from winter to spring and invites many nectar loving bees and birds around it.

    Spiral Aloe
    Spiral Aloe

    The green leaves of this aloe are in spiral shape, giving it an extraordinary look. At the beginning of summer, orange or yellow flowers emerge at the top of its spiral.

    Carmine Aloe
    Carmine Aloe

    Orange and serrated border running across the edges of this aloe makes it stand out from the rest. Its jelly-like leaves have a knobby texture white patch. This hybrid variety is also drought-tolerant.

    Lace Aloe/ Torch Aloe
    Lace Aloe/ Torch Aloe

    The color of this lace aloe is pale yellow at a shady spot, but under the influence of bright sunlight, it becomes dark green. Its lance-shaped leaves are wrapped with irregular white dots. The red-orange blossoms, in winter, complements well with its green leaves.

    Aloe Caesia
    Aloe Caesia

    This hybrid aloe, accentuated with blue-green leaves on its trunk, is beautifully enclosed with copper-red and spiky margins. This perennial succulent looks more striking when it blossoms showy flowers of dark red shade.

    Somalian Aloe
    Somalian Aloe

    Displaying a multitude of colors on the same leaves makes this aloe exceptionally striking.  Also, the pink-brown spines at the border of leaves appear like a vibrant sawtooth layout.

    Aloe Descoingsii
    Aloe Descoingsii

    Dull green color, ovate shape, tapered ends, serrated edges and small spines on the surface, are the features of this aloe variety. This stemless succulent produces deep red and yellow flowers from spring to summer.

    Fan Aloe
    Fan Aloe

    Unlike other aloe varieties, this aloe has fan-like, thin and long leaves, with orange tips at the ends. Flowering orange-red blossoms from winter to spring, it can be a charming addition to raised planters or rock gardens.

    Coral Aloe
    Coral Aloe

    Its gray-green leaves turn pink under the bright sun, whereas a shady spot will make the plant go blue! This broad leave aloe glorifies its look by producing coral-orange flowers in winter and spring.

    Cape Speckled Aloe
    Cape Speckled Aloe

    The turquoise leaves of cape speckle turn red-purple in the full sun or under the water stress. This evergreen and perennial aloe variety can reach up to 3-5 feet tall. Its leaves have tiny fleckings and thorns, which pair well with its tubular reddish flowers.

    Aloe Aristata
    Aloe Aristata

    Aloe aristata is commonly known as Lace Aloe and Guinea Fowl Aloe. It's a stemless succulent and has unique white speckles. It has deep green leaves and grows red-orange flowers. Its large flowers, which can be up to 20 inches, attract a variety of birds, insects, and bees. It's helpful to other plants around it.

    Spider Aloe- Aloe Humilis
    Spider Aloe- Aloe Humilis

    Aloe humilis has long and triangular leaves with white speckles, which grow and take the form of a rosette. It grows red, orange, and yellow flowers. It is one of the popular choices among gardeners. It looks very good with red and orange blooms. Its gel is an effective medicine for sunburn.

    Tree Aloe - Aloe barberae
    Tree Aloe - Aloe barberae

    Tree aloes can grow up to 60 feet high and 10 feet in width, and they grow small red flowers with green spots during the winter months. There are different types of tree aloes, including the Aloe pillansii, which grows to 30 feet in height and looks like a cactus and the Aloe dichotoma, also called a quiver tree, which is one of the largest of all the aloe plants.
    Aloevera benefit uses side effects home remedies and tips

    Benefits of Aloe vera

    Benefits of Aloe vera for Skin

    Benefits of Aloe vera for Skin

    You must not have seen people doing anything to get rid of facial whitening and oily skin. Some apply gram flour, others use different types of face packs and scrubs. But Aloevera alone is heavy on all of this. Aloe vera is beneficial for our skin and face in many ways. There is no need for anything else to use it properly. Let's know about some of the major benefits of Aloe Vera.

    Moisturizes the skin:-
    Also moisturizes the face without giving it a sticky or greasy look. In such a situation, it is very useful for those with oily skin. Women doing make-up are advised to apply it before makeup, so that the skin remains moisturized.

    Aloe vera is anti aging:-
    Wrinkles appear on the face with aging. In this case, ALO works as an anti aging element. Aloe vera contains antioxidants like beta carotene, vitamin C and E which keep the skin natural and young.
    Effective in acne and other skin problems:-
    Aloe vera moisturizes the skin from within and cures many chronic skin ailments such as psoriasis, nail pimples and edema.

    Corrects skin tan
    It is common to have skin tan when it is in summer or sunlight, although it can be permanent if not corrected. In such a situation, aloe vera will be very helpful for you. Apply 2 spoons of aloe vera gel, 1 teaspoon lemon and a little honey to the affected area. Skin tone will be much better.

    Aloe Vera for Skin in summer:-
    After coming home from outside in summer, you can adopt aloe vera to avoid sun burn. Applying aloe vera on the sunburned area is also beneficial. It is also helpful in removing tan and reducing stretch marks. If you usually apply the area between the leaves of aloe vera on your skin, it will be very beneficial for you. By doing this, it also removes the tanning on your face or skin.

    Aloe vera is rich in anti-oxidants. It works to clean the fine lines on the skin. It is a best and natural anti-aging product.

    To improve:-
    This is a very good cleanser. It works to clean the dirt and dead cells present on the upper surface of the skin, which enhances the face. If you have aloe vera gel then it is a good thing, otherwise you can cut a stick of aloe vera from the middle and use its pulp too.

    Benefits of aloe vera for face

    Aloevera benefit uses side effects home remedies and tips

    Moisturize the skin aloe vera:-
    In winter, the skin of women becomes very dry, you can use Aloevera for this. Because Aloe vera is rich in anti-oxidants, which is considered very beneficial for the skin. These anti-oxidants provide moisture to the skin in the right direction, which keeps the skin well hydrated. In addition, the pH level of the skin is also maintained, which moisturizes your skin and makes it soft and beautiful. Aloe vera is like nectar for all skin types irrespective of your skin type.

    Aloe vera to hide age:-
    Every woman wants that she looks younger than her age, then women never tell their right age. It always postpones or tells the ageless. If you are also one of those women who hide their age and want to look younger than their age, then this wish can be fulfilled easily with Aloevera. Aloe vera has high antioxidant content, as well as rich amounts of vitamins A, B, C and E which deeply nourish the skin. Its gel contains high amount of polyusaccharides which helps to stimulate skin regeneration. Using it will stop the wrinkles appearing on your skin due to age.

    Aloe vera reduces stretch marks:-
    Stretch marks during pregnancy have added a bit to the beauty of your skin, so using aloe vera you can reduce them because aloe vera is an ayurvedic treatment to cure stretch marks because aloe vera has high moisture content. Which reduces stretch marks during pregnancy and is helpful in making the skin extremely soft.

    Eliminate pimples from root aloe vera:-
    Often women are troubled by facial pimples and use expensive products to fix it. There are mostly two reasons for having pimples. The first is due to hormonal changes and the second is due to the wrong moisturizer. But whatever the reason, aloe vera fight with pimples gives a new glow to the face. The anti-bacterial agent present in aloe vera eliminates the bacteria that produce pimples and helps in creating new cells in the skin. Also, it deeply repairs the pimples made wounds as its anti flammatory properties are considered extremely helpful in healing the skin soon.

    Aloe Vera treats sunburn to Asani:-
    In winter we like to sunbathe due to which your skin starts burning which we call sunburn. The rays of the sun burn our skin but we do not feel it in winter. If you are also troubled by sunburn then definitely use Aloe Vera as the antioxidants present in Aloe Vera are very helpful in deeply cooling the skin, and Aloe Vera nourishes the skin, which makes the skin glow.

    In the problem of pimples:-
    Aloe vera has anti-microbial properties. Its quality is very effective in relieving nail pain. When there is no bacterial and fungal infection, then the problem of acne and pimples will also be under control.

    For stains:-
    If you have stains on your face, regular use of aloe vero will be beneficial for you. It removes unwanted skin patches by regular use.
    Benefits of aloe vera for hair

    Benefits of aloe vera for hair 

    Benefits of aloe vera for hair

    Relief from itchy scalp:-
    Aloe vera can be used to relieve itching in scalp caused by dandruff. It has been proved in several studies that aloe vera is adept at eliminating the factors of dandruff.

    Maintain strong hair:-
    Aloe vera is found in significant amounts of vitamins A, C and E. All these promote healthy cell growth and make hair shiny. Vitamin B12 and folic acid present in it are helpful in preventing hair fall.

    Effective in increasing hair growth:-
    Aloe vera is effective in increasing blood circulation. When you use it on your hair or scalp, it increases blood circulation there. This increases hair growth. It also brings new hair fast.

    Beneficial for oily hairs:-
    Aloe vera has properties to control excess amount of hair. It also speeds up hair growth. For this, apply aloe vera gel directly in your hair.

    Remove baldness:-
    Aloe vera is also effective in removing baldness. It also has new hair growing properties. For this you can use aloe vera as a shampoo.

    Before using aloe vera, make sure that you are not allergic to it. For this, you can do a patch test.

    Uses of aloe vera to enhance beauty

    Aloevera benefit uses side effects home remedies and tips

    Aloe vera is a boon for light skin. Along with moisturizing the skin, it also keeps many skin related diseases away.
    You can also use aloe vera juice to enhance the beauty of hair. Hair becomes thick, dark and strong with its use. Also, there is no problem of dandruff in the head and any other skin infection.

    Extra tips about aloe vera

    Aloevera benefit uses side effects home remedies and tips
    -Consult your doctor before taking aloe vera juice. Especially when you are taking any merge medicine or undergoing treatment. Because taking Aloe vera juice with some medicines may cause adverse reactions.

    - Pregnant and lactating women should not take aloe vera juice. Because it can encourage uterine contractions in pregnant women, which can lead to miscarriages and birth defects.

    -Breastfeeding women should also avoid taking it as it can cause diarrhea in them.

    -It is considered unsafe even for children below 12 years. Therefore, consult a doctor before giving it to children.

    -The excessive amount of adrenaline present in aloe vera juice can be harmful for people suffering from heart disease. In case of any disease, take it only on the advice and consultation of the doctor.

    What to do aloe vera?

    Aloe Vera Skin Gel
    Kapiva Pure Aloe Vera Skin Gel - Hydrating Gel for Face

    Lakme 9 to 5 Naturale Aloe Aqua Gel

    WOW Aloe Vera Multipurpose Beauty Gel for Skin and Hair

    Indus Valley Bio Organic Non-Toxic Aloe Vera Gel

    Patanjali Saundarya Aloe Vera Gel

    Aloe Vera Face Wash

    WOW Skin Science Aloe Vera with Hyaluronic Acid and Pro Vitamin B5 Hydrating Gentle Face Wash

    Himalaya Moisturizing Aloe Vera Face Wash

    Oriental Botanics Aloe Vera, Green Tea & Cucumber Hydrating Face Wash

    Keva Aloe Vera Face Wash

    Mirah Belle - Natural Aloe Vera Face Wash

    Aloe Vera Cleansing Milk
    Beeone Aloe Vera Cleansing Milk

    Khadi Natural Cucumber and Aloevera Cleansing Milk Cream

    Ayur Herbal Deep Pore Cleansing Milk

    Aloe vera juice
    Baidyanath Aloe Vera Juice

    Kapiva Thar Aloe Vera Juice

    Nourish Vitals Pure Aloe Vera Drinking Gel Juice

    Aloe vera Shampoo
    Sunsilk Coconut Water & Aloe Vera Conditioner

    Charm & Glow Tulsi, Heena and Aloe Vera Shampoo

    Siso Aloe vera Hair Care Shampoo

    Side effects of aloe vera

    Aloevera benefit uses side effects home remedies and tips

    Aloe vera has many wonderful benefits. Aloe Vera, rich in medicinal properties, is going to fight many diseases and provide amazing benefits for our health. Benefits of Aloe Vera not only have many side effects. (Aloe Vera Juice Side Effects). Excessive consumption of aloe vera can harm your health

    Skin allergy:-
    Overuse of aloe vera gel can cause rashes, itching and redness on the skin.

    Many people drink some sip aloe vera gel in the morning, thinking that it will reduce their weight and make the body healthy. All kinds of aloe vera juices are also available in the markets. Let me tell you that this juice can also cause dehydration problems.

    Constant intake of this juice can increase the amount of potassium in the body, due to which irregular heartbeat and weakness can occur. Those who have any heart related complaints should avoid this juice.

    Blood sugar:-
    Constant intake of aloe vera can lower blood pressure. This is undoubtedly good for people suffering from high BP, but for people suffering from low blood pressure, it can become a cause of trouble.

    Weak the muscles:-
    The latex present in this juice can weaken the muscles. That is why consume it only with the advice of a doctor.

    Harmful to pregnant women:-
    Lactating properties present in aloe vera can be harmful for pregnant women. Their consumption can cause their uterus to become compressed, resulting in problems in childbirth or miscarriage.

    Aloe vera can cause dehydration:-
    Some people use aloe vera gel to lose weight, it can also be helpful in weight loss to a great extent, but excessive consumption can put you at risk. Excessive use of aloe vera can cause loss of body water

    Weakness may occur in the body:-
    If you are taking aloe vera to get relief from any disease, then it is important to keep in mind that we are not consuming it more than necessary. Constant intake of this juice can increase the amount of potassium in the body, due to which the heartbeat may become irregular and the body may become weak.

    Aloe vera can lead to uncontrolled blood pressure level:-
    Constant intake of aloe vera can lower blood pressure. This is undoubtedly good for people suffering from high BP, but for people suffering from low blood pressure, it can become a cause of trouble.

    You can eat aloe vera but do not take too much, it acts as a laxative.

    If you are allergic to latex, wear gloves when working with aloe vera.

    Home remedies for aloe vera

    Aloe vera turmeric face mask

    Whisk half a cup of aloe vera jel
    1 teaspoon turmeric powder
    2 teaspoons milk
    Half a teaspoon rose water
    1 teaspoon of honey

    To make:-
    Whisk half a cup of aloe vera jel in a bowl. Mix 1 teaspoon turmeric powder, 2 teaspoons milk, half a teaspoon rose water in it. Mix 1 teaspoon of honey in it. Apply the prepared mask on the skin and leave it for 30 minutes.

    Aloe vera- Multani soil

    Half a cup of aloe vera gel
    1 teaspoon of honey
    2 teaspoons of lemon juice
    2 teaspoons of multani soil

    To make:-
    Mix half a cup of aloe vera gel, 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Finally mix 2 teaspoons of multani soil to make a thick paste. Apply this paste on the skin and leave it for 30 minutes, then rinse with lukewarm water.

    Aloe vera tea tree oil mask

    7-8 drops of tea tree oil
    1 tablespoon aloe vera gel

    To make:-
    Mix 7-8 drops of tea tree oil in 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel and apply this mask on the face overnight. In the morning, wash your face with water.

    Aloe vera-cucumber mask

    1 small cucumber puree
    2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel
    1 aspirin tablet in one tablespoon

    To make:-
    Prepare 1 small cucumber puree. Mix 2 teaspoons of aloe vera gel in it. Mix 1 aspirin tablet in one tablespoon. Mix this paste with other mixture and apply the prepared mask on the skin for 20 minutes. Then clean

    Aloe vera-oats-onion mask

    Half a cup of fresh aloe vera gel
    Half a cup of onion juice
    1 teaspoon of oats

    To make:-
    Take half a cup of fresh aloe vera gel in a bowl and mix it with half a cup of onion juice and 1 teaspoon of oats. Massage on the skin with the prepared scrubber.

    Aloe vera honey face mask for bright and glowing skin

    1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
    1 teaspoon honey
    Half a cup aloe vera gel

    To make:-
    In a bowl, make a paste by mixing 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder, 1 teaspoon honey, half a cup aloe vera gel. Massage it on the skin. Rinse with water after 30 minutes.

    Aloe vera mango face mask

    Half a cup of mango pulp
    3 teaspoons of aloe vera gel
    1 teaspoon lemon juice

    To make:-
    First prepare the mixture by mixing half a cup of mango pulp and 3 teaspoons of aloe vera gel in a bowl. Mix lemon juice in it. Massage this mixture on the skin and face. Rinse face with water after 20 minutes.

    Aloe vera butter cream face mask for get rid of acne

    3 tablespoons aloe vera gel
    3 tablespoons butter

    To make:-
    In a bowl, mix 3 tablespoons aloe vera gel, 3 tablespoons butter. Mix the olives in this mixture. Now apply this mixture on the face for 20 minutes. Then rinse with water.

    Aloe vera rose water face mask for glowing skin

    Aloevera benefit uses side effects home remedies and tips

    1 spoon aloe vera gel
    1/2 teaspoon honey
    8-10 drops lemon juice
    1/2 teaspoon rose water

    To make:-
    First mix aloe vera gel and honey in a bowl. When both the things mix well, then add lemon juice to it. After mixing everything well, add rose water to it. Take your cleansing lotion ready.

    How to store:-
    You fill it in a bottle or container. Then clean your face daily before washing it in the morning. Apply a few drops of this on your hands and massage it for some time. After 5 minutes wash your face with cold water. You can keep this cleanser in the refrigerator for 10-15 days.

    How to make aloe vera jel

    Aloevera benefit uses side effects home remedies and tips

    Aloe vera leaf
    At will: 500mg vitamin C powder or 400 IU vitamin E (for every 1/4 cup of gel)

    To Make:-
    Cut an outer leaf of the aloe vera plant, let the resin or resin flow for 10 minutes. Peel the leaves. Remove the gel with a spoon. You can add a natural preservative to the gel.
    Place the gel in a sterilized, clean jar.