Hibiscus Side effects  Benefits and How to use it

The flower of Guadahl, Jaswand is also called the flower of Adhul. Mostly, Hibiscus flower is used for rituals, but do you know that Hibiscus flower is also consumed, and in the treatment of diseases also the benefits of Hibiscus flower
Hibiscus flower has been described as a very good medicine in Ayurveda. According to Ayurveda the problem of baldness, in increasing hair, is beneficial. Not only this, Adhul is used for the treatment of many serious diseases.
Hibiscus flower are hourly. It is planted in gardens, homes and temples. The Hibiscus flower is single, double, triple, red, white or white red, purple, yellow, orange, etc. of many colors. Its saffron grows out. White, and white and red colored Hibiscus flowers are of special quality.

There are mainly two species of Hibiscus.

Japa Bari (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn.)
Japa Chhoti (Malvaviscus arboreus Cav.).

Benefits of Hibiscus:-

        There are lost of benefits of Hibiscus Flower and also The Hibiscus Plant all part is very important and useful. We can use the Hibiscus as medicine, safety products…etc

Benefits of Hibiscus Flower in Fighting with Insomnia:-

Take 100 flowers of Hibiscus. Break the green petals and soak the petals in lemon juice. Keep it in an open place overnight in a glass vessel. Crush it in the morning and filter it. Add 650 grams of sugar or sugar, and 1 bottle of rose water to it. Close it in two bottles and keep it in the sun for two days. During this, keep stirring the bottle. Mishri dissolves well and becomes syrup. Drinking 15 to 40 milliliters of this is beneficial in the problem of sleeplessness.

Hibiscus Flower Benefits in Dandruff Treatment:-
You can also take advantage of Hibiscus to get rid of dandruff problem. Mix equal quantity of sesame oil in Hibiscus flower juice. boil it. Remove the oil and filter it while remaining. Fill it in the vial. Applying this oil ends dandruff.

Benefits of Arhul in Leucorrhoea Treatment:-

Grind buds of ten to twelve japa flowers in milk and feed the woman. Along with this, use milk in food. It cures leucorrhea. Fry 4-5 buds of adahul in ghee. Eat with sugar candy for seven days in the morning, and drink cow's milk. It provides benefits in leucorrhea.
Soak the Hibiscus almanac in water overnight. Mash and strain in the morning. Mixing sugar in it and drinking it is beneficial in leucorrhea.
Hibiscus Leaves Benefits in Increasing Memory power
Dry the Hibiscus flowers and leaves in equal quantity. Make a powder by grinding it and fill it in the vial. Drink a spoon in the morning and evening. You have to drink it with a cup of sweet milk. This increases memory (memory power).

Benefits of Hibiscus Leaves in Increasing Sexual Stamina:-
Dry the Hibiscus flower in the shade. Mix equal quantity of molasses in the powder of its leaves. Drink it in 6 grams for 40 days. This increases masculinity (sexual stemna).
Treatment of mouth ulcer disease with the medicinal properties of Hibiscus Clean and wash the root of Hibiscus. Cut it into pieces of one inch each. 3-4 times a day, chew each piece and spit. Mouth blisters will be cured within a couple of days.

Benefits of Hibiscus Plant in Relief from Abdominal Pain:-
To cure stomach pain, take 5-10 ml juice of Hibiscus leaves. It provides relief from stomach pain.

Benefits of Hibiscus Flower in Relief from Headache:-
Take 100 flower petals of Hibiscus. Soak it in lemon juice and keep it in an open area overnight in a glass pan. Mash and sieve in the morning. Add 650 grams of sugar or sugar and 1 bottle of rose water to it. Close it in two bottles and keep it in the sun for two days. During this, keep stirring the bottle. Mishri dissolves well and becomes syrup. Drinking 15 to 40 ml of it relieves headaches.
Grind the leaves and flowers of Hibiscus (gurhal) in water and apply it on the inflamed and painful place. It provides relief from swelling and pain.

Benefits of Hibiscus Plant Benefits in Fighting with Fever:-
To cure fever, take 10-20 ml Hibiscus root and leaf decoction. Fever is cured by this. In the same way, taking 5-10 grams of Hibiscus flower paste and mixing sugar, fever is cured.

Benefits of consuming Hibiscus in cough and cold:-
For the treatment of cough and cold, take out 15 ml juice of Hibiscus root. Drink it 4 times a day. It provides relief in cough and cold.Make a decoction of gurhal root. Mixing 10 to 30 milliliters of honey in it and drinking it provides relief in cough.
Consumption of decoction of Hibiscus flower brings out phlegm. It cures Kaphaj disorder

Benefits of Hibiscus Flower in Bronchitis:-
Make a decoction of Hibiscus flower when the windpipe is swollen. Swelling of the windpipe is cured by taking 15-30 ml of it.

 Benefits of Hibiscus Flower in Eye irritation:-
Take 100 flower petals of Hibiscus. Soak it in lemon juice and keep it in an open area overnight in a glass pan. Mash and sieve in the morning. Add 650 grams of sugar or sugar and 1 bottle of rose water to it. Close it in two bottles and keep it in the sun for two days. During this, keep stirring the bottle. Mishri dissolves well and becomes syrup. Drinking 15 to 40 milliliters of this provides relief in eye irritation.

Benefits of Hibiscus Plant to Stop Diarrhea:-
To prevent diarrhea, take 5-10 ml juice of Hibiscus leaves. This prevents diarrhea.

Benefits of Hibiscus Flower to Stop Nasal Bleeding:-
Take 100 flower petals of Hibiscus. Soak it in lemon juice and keep it in an open area overnight in a glass pan. Mash and sieve in the morning. Add 650 grams of sugar or sugar and 1 bottle of rose water to it. Close it in two bottles and keep it in the sun for two days. During this, keep stirring the bottle. Mishri dissolves well and becomes syrup. Drinking 15 to 40 ml of it stops bleeding from the nose.

Benefits of Hibiscus in Piles Treatment in treating hemorrhoids:-
Fry the Hibiscus buds in ghee. Add sugar candy and nagkasher in it. Taking it twice a day provides relief in dysentery and piles.
Hibiscus flower uses in gonorrhea treatment
Grind 11 leaves of gurhal in clean water and sieve. Add 8 grams of Yavakshar and 25 grams of sugar in it. Drinking small amounts of it twice a day provides relief in gonorrhea. Eat 1 flower on the first day, two flowers on the second day. Do this for ten days. Eat the flower with Betsey or Mishri. Similarly, on the tenth day eat 1 flower while subtracting 1-1 flowers. Eat healthy during this time. Avoid harmful things. It benefits in gonorrhea.

Benefits of Hibiscus Flower in Leucoderma Treatment in White Stain:-
For treatment of white stains, take four flowers of Adhul in the morning and evening for 2 years. It provides benefit in white stains.
Mix equal quantity of lotus root powder in the root powder of japa phool. Add to it the powder of white bark. Take 2-3 grams of it with water. This helps in treating white stains.

Benefits of Hibiscus Flower is Beneficial for Healthy Heart:-
To cure heart diseases, take 100 flowers of Hibiscus. Put it in a glass pan. Squeeze 20 lemons in it and keep it overnight. In the morning, mash it with a cloth and drain the juice. Mix 800 gm sugar, 200 gm gajban extract, 200 ml sweet pomegranate juice and 200 ml orange juice and cook on low flame. Remove when the sauce is thick. Add 250 mg musk, amber 3 grams, saffron, and rose extract to it. This syrup gives peace to the heart and brain.

Benefit of Arhul Flower in Indigestion in digestive system disorder:-
Take 100 flower petals of Hibiscus. Soak it in lemon juice and keep it in an open area overnight in a glass pan. Mash and sieve in the morning. Add 650 grams of sugar or sugar and 1 bottle of rose water to it. Close it in two bottles and keep it in the sun for two days. During this, keep stirring the bottle. Mishri dissolves well and becomes syrup. Drinking 15 to 40 ml of it stops bleeding from the nose.

 Benefits of quality gurgle:-
Hibiscus is a plant with beautiful flowers. It is usually found in tropical and hot areas. Hibiscus is considered useful in many diseases in Ayurveda. A USDA study in 2008 found that drinking Hibiscus tea reduced blood pressure. It is used to get rid of the problem of cough, hair loss and hair whitening.

Beneficial in skin care:-
Hibiscus is also used in cosmetic skin care. In traditional Chinese medicine, jiggery leaf is used as an anti-solar agent. It absorbs ultraviolet radiation and gives a new look and shape to your skin. Not only this, Hibiscus is also used to get rid of skin wrinkles.

Benefits of Hibiscus save from BP problem:-
Hibiscus helps to control high BP. The problem of blood pressure is overcome by drinking tea made from jiggery leaf. Those who want to reduce blood pressure, they should consume it regularly.

Where is Hibiscus found or grown?

Gurh (arhul flower) is a flower found all over India. It is often found around homes or in gardens.

Useful Parts of Hibiscus:-
Flower buds
The root
Hibiscus Side effects  Benefits and How to use it

Make Hibiscus special making different products from it…

Hibiscus Hair Oil
Hibiscus Powder
Hibiscus Tea
Hibiscus Body wash
Hibiscus Shampoo
Hibiscus soap


Hibiscus Hair Oil:-
Vriddhi Enhanced & Intensive Hair Oil


MGH Herbals Hibiscus Hair Oil

Dabur Vatika Enriched Coconut Hair Hibiscus Oil

Dr. Jain's Jaswand Hair Hibiscus Oil

Hibiscus Powder:- 
Luxura Sciences Hibiscus Powder


TLISMI Hibiscus Hair Care Powder


Etheric Hibiscus Powder for Hair

KHADI Omorose Hibiscus Flower Powder

Hibiscus Tea:-
Organic Hibiscus Flower Tea

Grenera Organic Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus Body wash:-

Dove Almond Cream and Hibiscus Body Wash
Hibiscus Shampoo:- 
The EnQ Hibiscus Shampoo

SLR Khadi Hibiscus Ayurvedic Shampoo

Sri Tattva Anti Dandruff Shampoo
Uses of Hibiscus:-

Uses of Arhul to Cure Baldness in baldness:-
Grind Hibiscus flowers in cow's urine and apply in the head to grow hair. It removes baldness.

Uses of Hibiscus Powder to treat anemia:-
Drink one spoon Hibiscus powder with one cup of milk regularly in the morning and evening. This causes blood loss in a few months. There is strength in the body.
Make a decoction of Hibiscus root and flowers. Drinking 20-40 ml of it in the morning keeps the body of an unborn child healthy. The quality of Hibiscus is beneficial to prevent pregnancy. (Arhul is Beneficial in Contraceptive)
Grind it in a kanji of ahul flower. Mix up to 50 grams of old Hibiscus. A woman does not conceive by eating for three days at the time of menstruation. Take it only according to the advice of the doctor.

Uses of Hibiscus Flower to Treat Menstrual Disorder:-
Take 100 flower petals of Hibiscus. Soak it in lemon juice and keep it in an open area overnight in a glass pan. Mash and sieve in the morning. Add 650 grams of sugar or sugar and 1 bottle of rose water to it. Close it in two bottles and keep it in the sun for two days. During this, keep stirring the bottle. Mishri dissolves well and becomes syrup. Its use helps in excessive menstruation.
Fry Hibiscus flowers in ghee. Mixing and feeding it with boora is also beneficial in menstrual disorders.

Use Hibiscus for Amazing Hair Conditioner:-
A paste made from Hibiscus leaf and its flower petals can be used as a natural hair conditioner. When applied after shampoo it darkens the hair color and also gets rid of dandruff.

Hibiscus useful in Reduce cholesterol:-
Hormone also helps in reducing bad LDL cholesterol. Cholesterol levels can be reduced by drinking hemp leaf tea. Elements found in the horticulture prevent plaque from freezing in the urine. This lowers cholesterol levels.

Useful in Stab wound:-
Use of Hibiscus oil helps in healing the open wound quickly. In addition, applying Hibiscus oil to the wound caused by cancer is also very beneficial. Also, if Hibiscus is used in the initial stage of cancer, it helps to prevent it.

Help in weight loss and digestion:-
Consuming Hibiscus helps to control hunger. Its intake keeps your stomach full for a long time. Boiling the leaves of Hibiscus in water and drinking it also reduces hunger and improves digestion. This causes non-essential fat to be eliminated from the body.
Help in Menstrual rest:-
Regular intake of Hibiscus reduces estrogen levels in women's body. This keeps the balance of hormones in the body. This is the reason why there is no problem in the menstrual cycle.

Hibiscus Help in Anti aging:-
Hibiscus leaves are rich in antioxidants. It removes free-radicals present in the body. This slows down the aging process. In many cases, life also increases.

How to make hair black and thick is Hibiscus flower and how to use it…?

The best solution to make hair black and thick is Hibiscus flower. The Hibiscus flower is rich in many nutrients. Vitamin C, calcium, fat etc. are found in plenty in it.
It is very important to have beautiful hair for facial beauty. Due to increasing pollution, oil and shampoo chemicals being used indiscriminately, hair health is being severely affected. In such a situation, many people are troubled by the problem of untimely white hair, loss and dryness. Lack of nutrients in food is also a reason. People try all kinds of remedies to fight these hair problems. Many types of medicines that claim better health of the hair present in the market do more harm than good. In such a situation, it may be better to use natural methods for hair. Today we are going to tell you about a natural recipe to make hair beautiful and healthy, which is easy to use and also accessible.
Make pulp by grinding Hibiscus leaves. Apply it to hair. Wash the hair after two hours and clean it. By doing this experiment regularly, the hair gets nourishment, and the head also remains cold.
Cook an equal amount of olive oil in the juice of fresh Hibiscus flowers (Hibiscus ke phool) and cook it in the fire. When the oil remains only, keep it in the vial. By applying feces daily to the roots, the hair becomes shiny and long.
Grind the flower of Adhul and the flower of Bhringraj in sheep's milk and keep it in an iron pot. Remove after seven days and add it to the juice of Bhringraj's almanac. Washing hair with it causes hair to turn black.
Applying it with a paste made of iron ash, amla powder and japa flower (jaba phool), the hair remains black for a long time.

The use of this flower for hair is miraculously beneficial. So, let us tell you how to use Hibiscus, it will prove to be a boon for your hair.

1. If you mix Hibiscus with henna and apply it on the hair, it gives a lot of relief from the problem of dandruff.

2. Grind the leaves of Hibiscus. Mix it with egg and apply it to hair roots. It not only makes your hair beautiful but also helps to make hair black. This recipe is also very effective for returning lost hair shine.

3. If you want to make your hair thick, then grind the Hibiscus flower with amla and prepare the paste. Apply this paste on hair. Wash with cold water after a while. This will stop hair fall, as well as the hair will become thick and black.

4. Mix Hibiscus flowers in mustard or coconut oil and heat it slightly. Now apply this oil on the head and massage before sleeping at night. Shampoo up in the morning. This will keep your hair healthy.

Side effects of Hibiscus Flower:-

If you consume it in excess, there is a possibility of worms in the eyes.

It is harmful for people with cold body (cold nature).

Black pepper and sugar candy should be taken in case of loss.